Adair Remembrance of Weatherwax, CGC
The legacy of Lassie continues!
Our Real Lassie puppy!
Direct descendant of Pal; the "Original" Lassie
Here's my story: July 16, 2010 was a special day I will remember always. I traveled to my friend's house to meet Bob Weatherwax, his daughter Mary, and my new puppy, Roxi.
Roxie is a direct descendant of the original Lassie, Pal (aka Lassie 1). Roxi is a litter mate to the next original "Lassie" line descendant chosen by Bob to carry on this wonderful line.
His daughter, Mary, also chose one of these special puppies. Go to Bob's webpage and read about the introduction of the next Lassie legacy.
I am doubly excited because Bob chose a puppy from my breeding to carry on the line. So Roxi is not only a descendant of Lassie but a granddaughter of my Lady and Caesar.
It's exciting to be part of the next generation of Lassie in so many ways!
My dear friend Karen Pfeiffer is a published author of: The Legacy of Lassie (a must for the Lassie collectors) and The Romance of the Collie: True Tales Of An Amazing Breed
It has very inspiring.stories in it about the "heart" of the collie. Page 112 in this books tells the story of another puppy I bred that went to a very special couple.
Karen also has her own company The Vintage Dog which sells Purely Natural products for your dogs. Jon Provost (Timmy in TV's Lassie) is the leading spokesman for this company. Jon and Karen will be at the 2011 Collie Club of America 125th National Show promoting their company. I will be at that show also.... and I can't wait!
Be on the look out for a training video from Bob in the near future.
Roxie's certificate stating she is a direct descendant of Lassie (Pal)... with Lassie's copied paw print.
Bob and Karen signing my books.
Bob and I talking
after he signed my photo of Bob and Laddie
He was giving me some training tips.
Bob and I at the signing
Bob and I later with Roxie
Bob giving some puppy loves.
More pictures
of Bob, Roxi, and me.
Bob and Mary with their pups.
My autographed pictures.
Laddie on left Howard on right
Click on book to email Karen personally for your own autographed copy
Lassie One (aka Pal)
was trained by
Rudd Weatherwax
Bob Weatherwax
carried on his father's tradition.
Pictures from Puppy Pick-up day
~~~~Lassie Line and reigning years ~~~~
Roxi's Great Grandparents

Roxi's Mom "Lady"
Lady is the daughter of
my Lady and Caesar pictured below
Roxi's Grandmother
Lady is my very first collie!!!
Bob and Hammer at their first public appearance
at the Western North Carolina Film Festival
In November 2010, I traveled with Karen to the Western NC Film Festival. It was an absolutely wonderful weekend! We were Bob's assistants that weekend, along with our friends, Trish and Jeannie. While at the film festival, Bob was beginning his next project. The first day of filming happened at the festival and it was extra special to be part of that. As I was helping Bob with Hammer's publicity photos, Bob gave me the most wonderful compliment. Bob looked at me and said that he could tell that I knew what I was doing with dogs and I had a knack for it.... I just beamed! It's nice to know that a professional trainer saw that talent in me!
First Day of Bob's new project!
Bob telling me his Hollywood stories
as the dogs take a bathroom break.
Darby Hinton
from Daniel Boone
Geri Jewell
from Facts of Life
and Deadwood
Super GREAT lady!
Christopher Atkins
from Blue Lagoon
He is also working on a
new project with A& E
so be on the look out!
Chris having fun with me
while taking a picture with Tammy Locke
He is such a cool guy!
And still very handsome!!
Chris Atkins, Bob, Hammer, Darby Hinton,
Tammy Locke, Sally Fraser, Geri Jewell
Bob, Hammer, Me, and Trish
Bob, Hammer, and Karen (Published Author)
Chris giving me a hug
at the Bob's table....
So much fun!!!
Bob and Hammer make another public appearance
At Winston-Salem, NC ~ July 2011
In July 2011, I once again had the honor of helping Bob and Hammer at their second public appearance.
It was a wonderful week! Hammer had grown into a very handsome collie!
I had the opportuntiy to meet several of my other favorite stars.
Bob, Hammer, and Shirley Jones
The Celebrities
Bob & Hammer, Tammy Locke, Deanna Lund, Connie Stevens,
Sherry Jackson, Shirley Jones, Felix Silla,
Gene Watson, Ed Nelson, Darby Hinton, Dan Haggerty
Puppy Reunion!
Marshall, NC Sept. 9, 2011
Ten yearling puppies in a cabin, in the mountains, for the weekend.... PRICELESS!
Just when I think, "It doesn't get any better than this" It actually does GET BETTER!
We had our one year puppy reunion in Sept. It was the most wonderful weekend!
Good Friends, Good Fellowship! Good Puppies! Collies are just wonderful!
Sitting: Evie & Trish, Halo & Vanessa, Roxi & Melanie, Gigi & Karen, Gator & Herb/Tyler , Pal & Barb/Joe
Standing: Rose & Wanda, Lassie & Karla, Dawson & Linda
Bob relaxing on the deck.