Have a
Hollie Collie Christmas!
We are very proud of our outstanding sires!
CH Overland Ready or Not
CH Overland In Suspense x CH Overland Island Sunrise
Sire of CH Adair Nova Star
CH Vennessee's Adair Legend
Vennessee's Dreams Do Come True X Vennessee's Southern Bell
Dustin and I walked on a team for
Breast Cancer Race for a Cure
Dustin is earning his AWCA Backpack title!
Dustin was a big hit... and he was proud to wear a pink bow!
Luna, Gemma, Reece at CCA Nationals
Gemma, Reece, Melanie, Luna
Photo taken before we headed to 2014 CCA Nationals
Champion Highcroft Adair Carte Blanche
GCHB CH Susitna Royal Strider of Tara Dells X CH Highcroft Anticipation II
Mdr1 M/N ~ CERF Mild
Glasgowhill Th Guardian
Glasgowhill's Encryptic Code x Forestree's Dubutante Etoile
Non carrier CEA/PRA ~ Mdr1 M/N ~ DM Normal
Carter is Reserve Major at his first show at 6 months old!
Aug 2016
Photo property of AdairSprings
Adair Marksmen
Glasgowhill Th Guardian X Adair Home Coming, RN, CGC
CEA Normal Eyed Noncarrier /PRA non carrier ~ Mdr1 N/N
Photo property of Adair Springs Collies
CH Adair Wizard Ohm Jazz of Turnberry
CH Sassy's Feel Like A Rock Star X CH Turnberry Signature Move
Mdr1 N/N ~ CERF CH
Jazz finished with 2 back to back majors at 13 months old!
CH Turnberry's Dougal the Magnificent
CH Sassy's Feel Like A Rock Star X CH Turnberry Signature Move
Mdr1 M/N ~ CERF CH
Dougal, Jazz, and I having fun on the beach at CCA Nationals in Virginia Beach!
Adair Keepin On Truckin'
CH Highcroft Adair Carte Blanche X Adair Weatherwax Impression
Normal Eyed Carrier, DM Clear
PRA N/N - DMS Low Risk
Adair Rough and Ready
CH Overland Ready or Not X CH Clarion Adair Out of the Clouds
Shown here at 2019 CCA Nationals
Adair Diesel Power
Adair Hope Floats X Adair Keep On Truckin'
CH Highcroft Adair Carte' Blanche - Grandfather
DNA tested CEA Normal Eyed carrier /PRA non carrier ~ Mdr1 M/N
Heirloom Adair Keepsake
CH Willow Run Second To None CGC X Heirloom Classy Game Changer
MDR! M/N - DMS Low Risk
Weatherwax Line!
Keeper is pointed!
Winner Dog/ Best Op at River Valley Cluster 2021
Diesel is pointed!!
Diesel went Winners Dog/Best Op at River Valley Cluster 2021
My granddaugher went Best Junior at the Puppy Match
Adair Imperial Blaize
Adair Kentucky Rain X CH Adair Wizard OHM Jazz from Turnberry
Ari earning his rally title!
Dustin (My heart dog) earns his rally title!
Goodwin Adair To Dash
Normal Eyed Non Carrier, DMS Low Risk
Mdr1-Clear, DM-Clear
Adair Master of the House
Goodwin Adair to Dash X Adair La Boheme'
CEA, DM, PRA - Clear
MDR1 M/N - DMS Low Risk
Weatherwax Line!